Am 07.08.2014 um 12:26 schrieb Matthias Weber
Dear All,
for the printable version of a document I’d like to put the actual URLs into footnotes. In other words, I’d like to replace
\setupinteraction [state=start] \starttext
\useURL [garden] [http://wiki.contextgarden.net/Main_Page] [] [ConTeXtgarden]
Look at the \from[garden]!
\setupinteraction [state=start] \starttext
\useURL [garden] [http://wiki.contextgarden.net/Main_Page] [] [ConTeXtgarden\footnote{\hyphenatedurl{http://wiki.contextgarden.net/Main_Page}}]
Look at the \from[garden]!
To save me from retyping all the URLs, there must be some way to access the URL of garden instead of the display text so that I could do something like
\def\myfrom[#1]{ \startmode[screen] \from[1] \stopmode \startmode[print] \from[1] \footnote{\hyphenatedurl{get the URL text from \useURL instead of the display text}} \stopmode }
\setupinteraction [state=start] \useurl [garden] [http://wiki.contextgarden.net/Main_Page] [] [ConTeXt garden] \starttext Look at the \from[garden] at \url[garden]. \stoptext Wolfgang