On Tue, Nov 17, 2009 at 12:01 AM, Wolfgang Schuster
Am 16.11.2009 um 23:49 schrieb luigi scarso:
\showframe \starttext \dorecurse{1}{% \hsize=\dimexpr \textwidth / 1 *\recurselevel\relax \framed[width=broad,align=middle]{\the\hsize} \bgroup \startitemize \advance\hsize -\itemgrouplistwidth\relax% \item \framed[width=broad,align=middle]{\the\hsize,\the\localhsize,\the\itemgrouplistwidth} % \item \framed[width=\dimexpr\hsize-\itemgrouplistwidth\relax,align=middle]{\the\hsize} \item \framed[width=\hsize,align=middle]{\the\hsize} \item \the\hsize \input tufte \the\hsize % \stopitemize \egroup \page } \stoptext
that's all x me now.
as you can see in the third item the width of the text (\input tufte) is too narrow because of the reduced \hsize but this works
yes too narrow, but with this still width=broad is not good, because broad should be now egual to \localhsize and not \hsize, if I understand what Aditya said. \showframe \starttext \framed[width=\hsize,align=middle]{\the\hsize} \startitemize \setlocalhsize \item \framed[width=\hsize,align=middle] {\the\hsize} \item \framed[width=broad,align=middle] {\the\hsize} \item \framed[width=\localhsize,align=middle]{\the\localhsize} \stopitemize \stoptext (go to sleep now...see you tomorrow) -- luigi