On Mon, Dec 1, 2008 at 11:48 AM, Taco Hoekwater wrote:
Mojca Miklavec wrote:
cmsy10 LMMathSymbols10-Regular "enclmmathsy ReEncodeFont"
But I guess that the problem lies somewhere else. I'm almost sure that the virtual font in Euler calls for cmsy10.pfb in which case you cannot trick TeX with map files pointing to some other font.
The vf calls for the "cmsy10" tfm. That name is then passed through the font mapping machinery, so the trick above should have worked.
The fact that the name "cmsy10.pfb" is discovered means that there is a mapfile line for "cmsy10 CMSY10
Hello, Taco, thanks for the remark (and sorry for my stupid thinking - there are too many ConTeXt files lying around on my machine). I'm attaching a fixed original-public-lm.map. Hans, can you please have a look and possibly include the file in next version if it seems ok (I added some more really minor fixes)? Mojca