On Tue, 19 Dec 2017, Pablo Rodriguez wrote:
On 12/19/2017 08:26 PM, Aditya Mahajan wrote:
On Mon, 18 Dec 2017, Pablo Rodriguez wrote:
[...] Would it be possible that all comments in type and typing (at least, for Lua, XML and TeX) would have the same formatting for the whole comment contents, including the comment signs?
Sorry, but with the current output, it is hard to see (for total newbies) what is part of the comment and what not. And the text editor will display something different.
I’m afraid that the scite module isn’t an option for me.
t-vim parses this correctly, but IIRC, you don't want to use the vim module either, right?
I checked your t-vim module months ago and I don’t remember which were the problems, but I had to discard it.
Just try your document with t-vim. It should be as simple as subsituting \usemodule[vim] \definevimtyping[context][syntax=context] \definevimtyping[lua][syntax=lua] instead of the \setuptyping commands. If you have a lot of code snippets, create an subdirectory called output and also set \setupvimtyping[directory=output] Let me know if there are any errors and I can look into it (except if the error is related to a windows configuration issue. I don't have a windows machine to test the module). Aditya