Thanks Wolfgang! Just last few questions and I og wiht cows home... :) ** Does backspace or cutspace cover the inner space where bhe book binding is located? ** What about the margin where one would like to place chapter and section numbers? Since my printing house requires 3mm of space around the page for trimming. Does defining a paper size taller and wider than the 6x9 'pawel' paper size you gave in hte example is a solution? For the example purposes: \definepapersize[printing_sheet][width440pt,height=656pt] Then use: \setuppapersize[pawel][printing_sheet] As I understand using 'location=middle in \seputlayout would place my 6x9 page in the middle of this wider and taller sheet. So many more htings are much more clear and I am copying these messages to propose osme changes to the wiki.