Hello Hans, You wrote:
one of the first things to do is to collect fonts in suitable encodings and
post them somewhere (or at least post scripts that generate them)
for that i need to have samples and fonts,
I created a simple home page that will tell you where you can find some good Japanese (Unicode) fonts, and how I installed them so that they can be used in ConTeXt and dvipdfmx. The URL is: http://context.t-hart.com/ I have also posted some ConTeXt source files which will show you what I could do with Japanese fonts and ConTeXt right now. The PDF output files are downloadable as well, so you can see how everything should look like. Remember that I have only used ConTeXt for only a few months, so please don't have a heart attack when you see my flashy ConTeXt coding! ;-) There is also a small list of things to do or to keep in mind when making simple Japanese support. If someone has any more ideas, let me know. IMHO, I think we need to concentrate on supporting Unicode fonts at first and if that works, we will look at other font encodings. The most important feature to have right now is simple line breaking. Hans, please tell me what I can do to help implementing Japanese support in ConText, or what more information you need to get a better overview of things that need to be done. I don't know much about ConTeXt yet, but I'll promise to do my best. My best, Tim