25 Sep
25 Sep
8:01 a.m.
Mikael Persson wrote:
In both cases the text is small, but math font is not changed. I can solve this by doing a \switchtobodyfont in the caption,
You can put the \switchtobodyfont in the style argument: \setupcaptions[style={\switchtobodyfont[small]}] or you could redefine 'small': \def\bodyfontsmall{\switchtobodyfont[small]} \definealternativestyle [small] [\bodyfontsmall] [] (untested) If redefinition doesn't work, you have to define a new alternative style \definealternativestyle [MySmall] [\bodyfontsmall] [] but then you would have to go through the style changing "style=small" to "style=MySmall" etc. Best wishes, Taco