On Sun, 20 Jan 2008 12:37:13 +0100
Carsten Fechtmann
Dear ConTeXt experts,
I have setup a page layout where I use "table" in the page-head for formatting quite a bit of stuff. (The example below is just a simple as can be basic idea, to show the overall effect) Now - as I can't prevent later users of this layout environment - to not use \starttables ... \stoptables I naturally would like for this to work in the text region as well. This works fine and as advertised (well mostly, see below) as long as the table does not spill over to the next page. In which case, things start to look very messy, indeed.
From my (simple) point of view it looks like ConTeXt gets confused about which format to use for which table and tries to do them all at the same place or something.
Any chance to get this fixed ?
Use the following setup for the header, it use natural tables. \startsetups pagehead \bTABLE[option=stretch,strut=no,offset=.5em] \bTR \bTD[align={right,lohi},width=4cm] left \eTD \bTD[align={middle,lohi},width=6cm] middle \eTD \bTD[align={left,lohi},width=4cm] right \eTD \eTR \eTABLE \stopsetups
Thanks in advance Carsten
P.S.: There is an additional bug (also concerning the single page version and not related to having a "table" in the pagehead), which puts in an extra (empty) gap in between the end of the tablebody and the tablefoot when the tablefoot starts with \HL (and there is no \HL at the end of tablebody). Things work when putting the \HL at the end of the tablebody, but then no \HL will be put on top of the foot for any intermediate pages of the table, which is certainly not what one would usually want in this case.
I have no solution for this.
Anyway, here a simple version of this to demonstrate the effect(s)
\setuppagenumbering[location=] \setupheadertexts[\setups{pagehead}][][\setups{pagehead}][] \startsetups[pagehead] \SetTableToWidth{\makeupwidth} \starttable[|p(40mm)|p(60mm)|p(40mm)|] \HL \VL \leftaligned{left} \VL \midaligned{middle} \VL \rightaligned{right} \VL\SR \HL \stoptable \stopsetups
\start \SetTableToWidth{\makeupwidth} \setuptables[split=repeat] \starttablehead \HL \VL Head \VL\SR \HL \stoptablehead \starttabletail \HL % This results in an additional bug, % i.e. an extra / unwanted gap \VL Foot \VL\SR \HL \stoptabletail \starttables[|p(.95\textwidth)|] \VL \input knuth \VL\FR %\dorecurse{1}{\VL \input tufte \VL\MR} \dorecurse{10}{\VL \input tufte \VL\MR} \VL \input knuth \VL\LR % \HL % putting \HL here does not introduce % that unwanted gap ...?!? \stoptables \stop