Hans van der Meer wrote:
Forcing the typesetting to run further the output contains the rest of the source of macro \startpdffontresource[ec] . I.e. the output then shows (the \s has disappeared):
tartpdffontresource[ec] /CIDInit /ProcSet findresource begin ... --------- and goes on until (the last part of the macro "end end \stoppdffontresource" not appearing) ... CMapName currentdict /CMap defineresource pop
Hereafter typesetting is resumed.
Introducing something that puts another line of text at the top of the page results in normal typesetting.<<<
Further experiment replacing "\startJava" by "\starttextbackground[somecolor]" leads to the same error.
i ran into that as well, a solution is (cont-new.tex): \let\normalstartreadingfile\startreadingfile \let\normalstopreadingfile \stopreadingfile \def\startreadingfile {\normalstartreadingfile \pushendofline \restoreendofline} \def\stopreadingfile {\popendofline \normalstopreadingfile} but i did patch something more fundamental (i forgot what/where, i leave that for taco to uncover when i update) Hans