Hi, What you are asking for (MySQL I/O) cannot be done. The context command you refer to intended solely for syntax highlighting of SQL statements. However, you got me thinking. :) See attached context module and test file. It's extremely crude and more of a proof of concept than a full module, but it seems to work OK on the simple tests I threw at it. All of the commands and macros it provides are in the demonstration file. Stuff to keep in mind: - \write18 had better be enabled - the statement is fed to a 'mysql' in batchmode during \MySQLexecute - The result is saved to a file named \jobname-[Queryname]-result.dat - You always have to re-execute before you attempt to process the the results - The 'Countexecutable' is supposed to return a single line that starts with the number of lines of the \jobname-[Queryname]-result.dat file. - No error checking whatsoever is done. Spefically, nothing is done about MySQL's output format, so you can expect problems with embedded newlines and other specials characters The module is a joke, ok? But a fun one :-) Greetings, Taco On Wed, 23 Apr 2003 20:55:16 +0200, LEGUEDOIS, wrote:
but I don't know how to use this (how to use the result of the query, where I write database connection's parameters...). Do you know where can I find a manual or any help?
-- groeten, Taco