Il 04/09/20 11:01, Henning Hraban Ramm ha scritto:
Am 03.09.2020 um 13:32 schrieb mf
: Use check=yes
But I need check=no, because my author has several entries like
Miller, Carolyne, born Princess of Sayn-Wittgenstein 123–125
Sayn-Wittgenstein, Carolyne of see Miller, Carolyne
i.e. the reference target often has a different wording from the entry, and thus \seeindex{Something}{} always inserts a "see".
Now I understand. Since I'm working with XML, I'm using registers in an even stricter way: the text I'm indexing is actually the ID of a person in a database. Something like this: <person-ref idref="v18in231">Carolyne</person-ref> in the main text results in a \index[miller_carolyne]{v18in231} In another place of the XML there's a record like this: <person id="v18in231" sort-key="miller_carolyne">Miller, Carolyne ... </person> The deeptextcommand parameter of \setupregister is set to a macro that takes the ID and gives back the text of the person. Maybe in the database there's also another record like this: <see-person id="v18in242" idref="v18in231" sort-key="sayn_wittgenstein_carolyne">Sayn-Wittgenstein, Carolyne <see>Miller, Carolyne</see><see-person> that results in a \seeindex[sayn_wittgenstein_carolyne]{Sayn-Wittgenstein, Carolyne}{Miller, Carolyne}
I don’t know how common these "passim" entries are in scientific works; maybe I could use
Mainperson firstpage–lastpage
instead to avoid the major hassle of tricking the index mechanisms.
in that case \startindex...\stopindex or \startregister...\stopregister could be your friends. Massi