Am 27.08.2011 um 20:25 schrieb Jano Kula:
Hi Wolfgang,
the example was too minimal :)
This is what I want to achieve:
\starttext \rotate[rotation=90]{ \startframedtext \startcolumns[n=2,balance=yes] \input tufte \stopcolumns \stopframedtext } \stoptext
Rotation is done in \hbox. To get kind of minipage I "frame" it first, as you suggest somewhere else on the list. But then balanced columns are lost. Without framed text the prevdepth conflict appears. I do understand, the columns environment needs to know the available space to compute and balance columns, but playing with height parameter in \rotate or \startframedtext didn't help either.
You can’t use the columns environment in framed. When you don’t need something special you can use simplecolumns: \starttext \framed [orientation=90,height=\textheight,align=normal] {\startsimplecolumns \input tufte \stopsimplecolumns} \rotate{\framed [width=\textheight,align=normal] {\startsimplecolumns \input tufte \stopsimplecolumns}} \stoptext
This is still very simplified situation of the problem to typeset some material in balanced columns (which is the most natural way, not necessarily with this kind of columns) and then rotate the typeset material and put in into the margins (just the part of the whole typeset page).
You can take a look at streams which can be used for this. Wolfgang