Duncan Hothersall wrote:
What I am aiming for is a style where: Parts are labelled A, B, C [done], Chapters are labelled A1, A2, A3 [done, but...], Cross-references to Chapters call them A1, A2, A3 [not done: I'm getting A.1] Figures are labelled A1.1, A1.2 [not done; I'm getting A.11 (eek!)] Cross-references to Figures call them A1.1, A1.2 [not done: I'm getting A.11]
In this case it is easier to make the actual chapter number include the 'A'. That way, you won't have to worry about "separator" at all (which is good, because its use is confusing). Try this: @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -\setupheads[separator=] %<-- this can't be right \setupreferencing[state=start,chapternumber=yes,global=yes] -\setupsection[section-1][conversion=Characters] -\setupsection[section-2][previousnumber=yes] +\def\Mychapter#1{\convertnumber{Characters}{\getvalue{@@sesection-1}}#1} +\defineconversion[MyChapter][\Mychapter] +\setupsection[section-2][conversion=MyChapter] Question for Hans: is there a nicer way to get at the part number? The explicit @@se is a bit too low-level for my taste ... Best wishes, Taco