23 Jul
23 Jul
12:57 p.m.
Hello, Recently, I made lang-ru.hyp and lang-ru.pat files from TeX's ruhyphal.tex . I read Hans' "Hyphenation patterns" and didn't understand how to use my patterns to enable hyphenation (btw, in manual used key --patterns but in current ctxtools used --patternfiles) What I've done: 1. Created lang-ru.hyp (UTF-8) and lang-ru.pat (UTF-8) from TeX's ruhyphal.tex by hands (ctxtools generated patterns, but russian and ukrainian didn't) 2. Copied files to directory with other languages' patterns 3. texexec --make --all (get an error while compiling lang-cyr.tex ..... undefined sequence) 4. in tex file used \language[ru] 5. Still don't have my text hyphenated. What I do wrong? Should I upgrade my ConTeXt to recent version?