Thanks a lot for the new features. In my system this code don’t work. macOS Mojave This is LuaMetaTeX, Version 2.00.0 open source > level 1, order 1, name 'cont-yes.mkiv' system > system > ConTeXt ver: 2019.08.17 12:16 MKIV beta fmt: 2019.8.19 int: English/English \startMPcode{doublefun} draw lmt_function [ xmin = 0, xmax = 10, xstep = .05, ymin = -2, ymax = 2, xticks = "bottom", xsmall = 80, xlarge = 20, yticks = "left", ysmall = 40, ylarge = 4, code = "1.5 * math.cosd(240 * math.sqrt(x))", xlabels = "yes", ylabels = "yes", ycaption = "\strut\tfd \rotate[rotation=90]{vertical}", xcaption = "\strut\tfd horizontal", pointsymbol = "dot", pointsize = 4, pointcolor = "orange", sx = 2mm, sy = 4mm, linewidth = .025mm, offset = .1mm, ] xsized 8cm ; \stopMPcode The output error: loading metafun, including plain.mp version 1.004 for metafun iv and xl pages > flushing realpage 9, userpage 8, subpage 9 metapost log > ! Missing ':' has been inserted. metapost log > <to be read again> metapost log > addto metapost log > draw->addto metapost log > .currentpicture.if.picture(EXPR0):also(EXPR0)else:doublepath(EXPR…