On Wed, 13 Sep 2006, Hans Hagen wrote:
Aditya Mahajan wrote:
On Fri, 21 Jul 2006, Aditya Mahajan wrote:
it's eul
\startmathcollection[eul:texnansi] \definemathsymbol [breve] [accent] [tf] ["15] \stopmathcollection \startmathcollection[eul:ec] \definemathsymbol [breve] [accent] [tf] ["08] \stopmathcollection
\definetypeface [e] [mm] [math] [euler] [euler] [encoding=ec] \setupbodyfont[e,10pt]
$\breve e$
Thanks... here is a list of all accents. \startmathcollection[eul:texnansi] \definemathsymbol [acute] [accent] [tf] ["13] \definemathsymbol [grave] [accent] [tf] ["12] \definemathsymbol [ddot] [accent] [tf] ["A8] \definemathsymbol [tilde] [accent] [tf] ["98] \definemathsymbol [bar] [accent] [tf] ["16] \definemathsymbol [breve] [accent] [tf] ["15] \definemathsymbol [check] [accent] [tf] ["14] \definemathsymbol [hat] [accent] [tf] ["88] \definemathsymbol [dot] [accent] [tf] ["5] % Why is mathring not defined?? \definemathsymbol [mathring] [accent] [tf] ["17] \stopmathcollection \startmathcollection[eul:ec] \definemathsymbol [acute] [accent] [tf] ["1] \definemathsymbol [grave] [accent] [tf] ["0] \definemathsymbol [ddot] [accent] [tf] ["4] \definemathsymbol [tilde] [accent] [tf] ["3] \definemathsymbol [bar] [accent] [tf] ["9] \definemathsymbol [breve] [accent] [tf] ["8] \definemathsymbol [check] [accent] [tf] ["7] \definemathsymbol [hat] [accent] [tf] ["2] \definemathsymbol [dot] [accent] [tf] ["A] % Why is mathring not defined?? \definemathsymbol [mathring] [accent] [tf] ["6] \stopmathcollection Here I have replaced the \hat from the text fonts. math-eul.tex already redefines hat as \definemathsymbol [hat] [accent] [sy] ["DE] which appears to be too wide. This method works for most fonts that I tested with, but the result is UGLY (as expected). Check out the output of \definetypeface [e] [mm] [math] [euler] [euler] [encoding=ec] \setupbodyfont[e,10pt] $ \acute b \grave b \ddot b \tilde b \bar b \breve b \check b \hat b \dot b $ I wish Hermann Zapf had added these accents in Euler. Hans, why is mathring accent missing from all collections except fourier? Aditya