Thanks Wolfgang for the reply, but I must have misunderstood. My point is, that TeX registers was subsequently visible and usable in TeX (eg for width or height of boxes, etc.) Eg. for example, \the\mydimension can see that this does not occur! In addition, I solve the problem at LuaTEX, so ConTeXt converting functions do not work etc. .. Thanx Jaroslav Here is another example: \starttext \newdimen\mytexdimension \mytexdimension=100pt \ctxlua{myluadimension = number.topoints(10000)} \ctxlua{context(myluadimension)} \the\mytexdimension \hbox to\mytexdimension{XXXXX}YYYY % FAILS %\the\myluadimension %\hbox to\myluadimension{XXXXX}YYYY \stoptext Dne 22.8.2012 9:43, Wolfgang Schuster napsal(a):
\ctxlua{mydimension = number.topoints(10000)} \ctxlua{context(mydimension)}
\ctxlua{myotherdimension = 123456} \ctxlua{context(number.tocentimeters(myotherdimension))}