Hi, I didn’t check your example, but I remember that JScode did only work if there’s also a JSpreamble. Also the "used now" keyword (see Hans’ message) is essential. HTH. Sorry, no time for further investigation. Hraban
Am 2019-11-17 um 21:13 schrieb Paul Mazaitis
: Hi everyone,
First: apologies for the long email; this got a little complicated.
Summary: there may be a bug in setting up calculate field for widgets?
- calculator.tex - A M(N)WE - The MWE Only Sort of Works
# calculator.tex
On 13 Nov 2019, at 10:26, Pablo Rodriguez wrote:
Hi Paul,
I wonder whether tex/texmf-context/doc/context/examples/calculator/calculator.tex from the ConTeXt Suite might be what you look for.
Just in case it helps,
It does (and is quite something!); it's not quite what I need, though. I'd like to take advantage of the internal _calculate_ event when a field updates - the calculator.tex PDF appears to be entirely programmatically event driven?
(Which could certainly work for my application, but I want to try to keep this as simple for the user as possible.)
# A M(N)WE
Here's a Minimal Working Example, with some caveats:
--- begin MWE ---
\setupinteraction [state=start]
\startJScode{tallyUp} var a_fld = this.getField("A"); var b_fld = this.getField("B"); event.value = a_fld.value + b_fld.value; \stopJScode
\setupfield[numField][reset,horizontal] [height=2pc,rulethickness=1pt,framecolor=lightgrey]
\setupfield[totalField][reset,horizontal] [ height=2pc, rulethickness=1pt, framecolor=lightgrey, option=readonly, calculate=JS(tallyUp), ]
\definefield[A][line][numField][] \definefield[B][line][numField][]
A: \field[A]
B: \field[B]
Total: \field[Total]
--- end MWE ---