30 Jul
30 Jul
2:31 p.m.
Joseph Canedo mailto:josephcanedo@gmail.com 30. Juli 2016 um 15:04
If the requirement is to iterate on a table having the keys, values sorted by key (assuming the keys can be sorted), there are ways to do this. Please see http://lua-users.org/wiki/SortedIteration for an example (this just replaces pairs(t) with orderedPairs(t)).
\starttext \startluacode local testtable = { z = "A", y = "B", x = "C" } for i, j in next, testtable do context("%s:%s",i,j) context.par() end context.blank() for i, j in table.sortedhash(testtable) do context("%s:%s",i,j) context.par() end \stopluacode \stoptext Wolfgang