Hello list, recent update of context suite (beta) changed something in the code of 'mtxrun' so now it shows me a warning: ${CONTEXT}/bin/mtxrun:20683: attempt to concatenate a nil value (field 'platform') I didn't notice this warning earilier. The line 20683 in 'mtxrun' is local texos="texmf-"..os.platform To check the return of 'os.platform' I made small lua script and run it as mtxrun --script SCRIPT --platform=linux-64 It returned 'nil nil'. Is this expected behavior? % SCRIPT.lua ----------------------- 8< ------------------------ local plat=os.platform local plat2=os.getenv("MTX_PLATFORM") print("platform = ", plat) print("platform2 = ", plat2) ----------------------- 8< ------------------------ --- WBR, Vladimir Lomov -- Hacking's just another word for nothing left to kludge.