On Tue, Nov 27, 2012 at 7:36 AM, "H. Özoguz"
Am 26.11.2012 18:01, schrieb ntg-context-request@ntg.nl:
Is there a command or a macro to find all occurences in a file (or projekt),
where some word is printed into the margin? (Maybe because of bad hyphenation or something else.) - Would be perfect for manual check-up and corrections!
\version[temporary] prints blocks next to lines that run into the margin. http://wiki.contextgarden.net/Command/version Is that what you're looking for?
Thanks for that! These black blocks are quite useful, but not as powerful, as I am looking for.
I am looking for a command, which builds a register of all occurences of these blocks. Imagine I am working on a 300-page book, than I have to check every single page for these margin-runs (f.e. after changing the layout), with these black boxes its much easier, of course, but still a mess.
Is there a command like "\showallmarginruns", which gives something like this: "Margin runs on p. 34,67,101,145,204,298" - it may use somehow the blocks of \version[temporary], that would be perfect for me.
Could I make clear, what I am looking for (sorry for my leck of English)? Not an answer, but do you have seen the informations of the log ?