5 Sep
5 Sep
4:15 p.m.
Hi again, the LMTX zint module uses libzint, while MkIV calls the zint binary. The latter works for me, the first not. On MacOS, the library is "/opt/local/lib/libzint.dylib"*. I changed that in the source and the file appears to be found. Could you add that, Hans? *) Previously, zint for MacOS was only available via HomeBrew; I don’t know where that would install libzint, probably in /usr/local/lib/ like on Linux. Yesterday a MacPorts port was added that I used; MacPorts install everything under /opt/. But then still zintlib.execute returns nothing. I wonder if this works on Windows? The API docs don’t mention an "execute" function. https://www.zint.org.uk/manual/chapter/5 Hraban