I would like to my previous message that also Asana-Math seems to have problems.
The function $f \colon \reals \to \reals$ is given by $x \mapsto x -
3$. Its derivative is
$f'(x) = 1$.
In the above the ' in f'(x) looks wrong and there's hyphen instead of
minus at x - 3.
The problems arise in the current standalone, the latest stable one
worked OK at least
for the latin modern fonts.
Janne Junnila
On Sun, Jan 29, 2012 at 12:42 PM, Janne Junnila
The following example seems to have some troubles with the latin modern fonts:
The function $f \colon \reals \to \reals$ is given by $x \mapsto x - 3$.
The colon is printed fine, but the blackboard bold Rs don't look correct. The \mapsto symbol is missing and there's a hyphen instead of minus.
Are others having the same issue? I tried to do a fresh install, but the problem persisted. There were some messages like
fonts > otf loading > skipping cyclic reference U+00028 in math variant U+00028
during compiling. I don't know if they are related to the problem.
Thanks, Janne Junnila