Hi! The document below compiled before, but not since upgrading to the new version of standalone (current version: 2018.08.30 18:41). I'm running linux if that matters. The problem seem to be anglebetween, since if that line is commented out, the file compiles. %%% \starttext \startuseMPgraphic{testfig} u:=1cm; z0=origin; z1=(4u,3u); z2=(4u,0); draw z0--z1--z2--cycle; draw anglebetween(z0--z2,z0--z1,btex $\alpha$ etex); \stopuseMPgraphic \startplacefigure \useMPgraphic{testfig} \stopplacefigure \stoptext %%% The error is something like: tex error > tex error on line 7 in file /home/mickep/tmp/testfil.tex: ! Extra }, or forgotten $ l.7 } <local> \global \setbox \mptextbox \hbox {\clf_mptexttoks } <inserted text> BAD <to be read again> \relax \meta_process_graphic ...pvariableclass :}\relax } \meta_process_graphic_stop... \meta_handle_use_graphic ...a_process_graphic {#3} \endgroup /Mikael