/Hans Hagen wrote (///Wed Dec 5 14:10:12 CET 2012/):/
------------------------------------------------------------------------ On 12/5/2012 11:19 AM, Lars Huttar wrote:
/ Hi all, />
/... /
/ />/ />/ % Abbreviations />/ \definestartstop />/ [abblist] />/ [before={\setupbackgrounds[text][background=verticalline] />/ \starttextbackground[text] />/ \setuptab[headstyle={\switchtobodyfont[SansB,\SansBsize]},width=20mm,location=left] />/ \startcolumnset[abbcolumn] \startalignment[flushleft,nothyphenated]}, />/ after={\stopalignment \stopcolumnset \stoptextbackground />/ \setupbackgrounds[text][background=off]}] / you can try
\unexpanded\def\StartAbbList {\setupbackgrounds[text][background=verticalline] \starttextbackground[text]
\setuptab[headstyle={\switchtobodyfont[SansB,\SansBsize]},width=20mm,location=left] \startcolumnset[abbcolumn] \startalignment[flushleft,nothyphenated]}
\unexpanded\def\StopAbbList {\stopalignment \stopcolumnset \stoptextbackground \setupbackgrounds[text][background=off]}
\definestartstop [abblist] [before=\StartAbbList, after=\StopAbbList]
Thanks, I will try this. Is the goal of this change to fix the error? To help diagnose it? I don't really understand the use of \unexpanded. After making this change, the behavior is unaffected... I still get the "Missing number" error, etc.
in such case best make a small example, for instance how is abblist used?
\startabblist{ \tab{\ITC{alt.}}\AE{alternate name for}\par ... \tab{USDS}\AE{US Department of State}\par }\stopabblist where \AE is defined as: \def\AE#1{\hskip -3mm \SerifL{#1} \vskip 1mm}
/ />/ E16settings.tex: I added these definitions: />/ \define\XLfontsize{14pt} />/ \define\XXLfontsize{16pt} />/ />/ There are modes involved, so things are a bit more complicated, but I />/ believe that is the only effective difference. / and how about:
\def\XLfontsize{14pt} \def\XXLfontsize{16pt}
I will try that, but all our font size definitions have always used \define, and it used to work fine without errors. On http://wiki.contextgarden.net/Command/define it says that \define is like the TeX primitive \def, but "will print an error to the log file if the new definition overwrites an existing command". I checked the log file, and there is no error mentioning XLfontsize. So the purpose of your suggestion is to remove the possibility of reporting a duplicate definition? (There's probably more to it than that - I'm just trying to understand.) I tried changing \define to \def as you suggested. The result was unchanged - same error. Regards, Lars