21 Dec
21 Dec
3:18 p.m.
Hi, Also good reading are the first sections in Roberto’s paper: http://www.inf.puc-rio.br/~roberto/docs/peg.pdf
In reality it just means that I was trying to add a new rule to solve the second part of the puzzle (hidden on the website until you solve the first part), which read something like 6: 3 | 3 6 which would in theory be translated into something like r6 = lpeg.V"r3" + lpeg.V"r3" * lpeg.V"r6", if PEGs worked the way I imagined they worked, that is. Apparently they don't :)
Try this, blind guess: r6 = lpeg.V"r3" * lpeg.V”r6” + lpeg.V"r3", Best wishes, Taco Taco Hoekwater Elvenkind BV