I'm trying a fairly ambitious project to teach myself practical ConTeXt -- typesetting a book I'm writing. As per http://wiki.contextgarden.net/Project_structure, I've created files for the project, environment, product, and component. The component file (preface.tex) is the only one with (dummy) content right now. Side questions: Does a project with a single product really require the full hierarchy? Is there a dummy layout I can put into the environment file to test the set-up? Now I want to set up the layout. An example of what I'm trying to achieve is at http://typophile.com/files/Layout.pdf, currently done in OpenOffice. I'm not yet asking about fonts; I just want to put the text in the correct places. It doesn't seem that 6×9 (inches) is a built-in size, so my environment file (env_firefly.tex) needs to look something like: \startenvironment env_firefly \definepapersize[sixbynine][ width=6in,height=9in, offset=???,scale=???] \setuppapersize[sixbynine][sixbynine] \setuplayout[... ...] \stopenvironment Do I need to define & name the paper size, or is putting it in the \setuplayout sufficient? What are the "offset" & "scale" in the paper size? I want to have 6″×9″ trim, inner margin of 48pt, outer margin 96pt, top margin 72pt, bottom margin 144pt for starters. Headers and footers, when they exist, are allocated 12 points height and are 12pt away from the text. (See the linked-to example.) I have read several of the manuals, I'm just having trouble putting it all together. Also, I'm not looking for a recipe but guides on developing the layout myself so I can understand it. Thanks, --Joel