Hi, some time ago I needed to include a png file into a MetaPost picture and I did it with the MetaFun macro externalfigure. I compiled the code with mptopdf and the result was fine. Since I had no previous experience with it, my code used LaTeX, not ConTeXt, for the labels. I have recently updated my distributions (TeX Live 2007 and gwTeX on Mac OS X) and the same code does not work any longer in either distribution. A minimal example reproducing the problem is as follows: verbatimtex %&latex \documentclass{article} \begin{document} etex beginfig(0); externalfigure "pic.png" scaled 15mm shifted origin; label.bot(btex $x$ etex, origin); endfig; end; The error mptopdf gives is: ! Undefined control sequence. l.44 \documentclass {article} as if the code were not interpreted as LaTeX code. I have tried the following two variants, but with no positive results: 1) I have used input TEX; TEXPRE("%&latex" & char(10) & "\documentclass{article}\begin{document}"); TEXPOST("\end{document}"); instead of the verbatimtex.. etex block, and label.bot(TEX("x_1"), origin); to draw the label. In this case, mptopdf does not complain, but I see '0' instead of the label in the output. 2) I have added input mp-tool; input mp-spec; to both the original code above and to variant 1) and I have typeset with mpost. The results are original code) the png picture is not shown in the output; variant 1) I get the error: ! Unable to make mpx file. l.3 btex x_1 etex So, I kindly ask someone to help me tidy things up. In particular: a) Is it possible to include the MetaFun macros when using mpost? b) Is it possible to use the %&latex syntax with mptopdf? Nicola