On Thu, May 10, 2012 at 10:08 AM, Hans Hagen
On 10-5-2012 09:30, Mikael P. Sundqvist wrote:
In this example the a) is pushed a bit up instead of down, but I guess the reason is the same.
It looks ok in mkii and mkiv ... can someone confirm the problem?
Hans Hm, maybe. In the second startitemize a) looks a bit misaligned with 2).
\setuppapersize[A4][A4] \setuplayout[ topspace=0.7cm, backspace=0.7cm, leftmargin=0cm, rightmargindistance=0cm, rightmargin=0cm, footer=0cm, header=0cm, width=fit, height=fit, ] \mainlanguage[sv] %\enableregime[utf] \starttext \startitemize[n][style=sans] \item \hbox to0sp{\hss\vrule width 3cm height 0.1pt depth 0sp}\kern-0.25em\input tufte \item \startitemize[a,packed][left={},right={)},stopper=,style=sans] \item \hbox to0sp{\hss\vrule width 3cm height 0.1pt depth 0sp}\kern-0.25emDet sökta \item Bingospjäll \stopitemize \item \hbox to0sp{\hss\vrule width 3cm height 0.1pt depth 0sp}\kern-0.25em\input tufte \item \input tufte \item \input tufte \item \input tufte \item \input tufte \item \input tufte Brynja \stopitemize \stoptext -- luigi