Hi, Some of you may remember that, a long time ago, I wrote a silly perlTk script to convert TeX units (in fact, it is still somewhere on the context web pages as a third-party contribution). Not long afterwards, I though that it would be nice to have a real calculator for TeX sizes etc, So I extended that program to TeXCalc, a stack-based calculator for TeX (written in perl/Tk) Not at all long after that, I completely forgot about it :-) I just did a bit of cleanup of my harddisk, and re-discovered it. After just a little bit of code cleanup, the little program is on the web now, as a direct download from: http://tex.aanhet.net/utils/texcalc Note: the URL is the actual file! depending on your operating system, you may have to press Shift while loading the URL or something similar. Blurb: -- TeXCalc 0.2, (c) 2001-2003 Taco Hoekwater. This little program is a stack-based calculator for units. By coincidence, it uses the exact same units as D.E.Knuth's TeX program. The program uses a reverse polish interface: first you key in the data, followed by the command. This version is a beta (big surprise!) If you see something that you don't like or if you find a bug, feel free to email me: taco@elvenkind.com -- Requirements: perl and perlTk. Greetings, Taco