Taco Hoekwater wrote:
Hi all,
For the next issue of the ntg's Maps journal, Hans and I believe it would be nice to publish the collected responses to this simple question:
What do you do with ConTeXT?
- proceedings from individual PDFs, - presentations, - posters, - logos, visiting cards, - manual (HTML and PDF form from XML source), - personal electronic travel-journal (http://typokvitek.com/nzs you can see evolution of my ConTeXt skills) - booklet with very complex layout (sometimes seems to me over my ConTeXt skills) with two-column, margin, many, many floats, balancing, sorting, in Czech, ... I will write some experience with this -- if I will finnish it and survive two times postponned deadline... As a 'clever plain' with METAPOST, layers, and overlayes the ConTeXt it is excelent! As a 'all-in-one key-val LaTeX' it is nice and uniform. And as a tool to solve 'so far TeX dreams' it is problematic: without deadlines it is a funny game, with them a pain. In every point, thanks to authors for Him. vit