On 18 Aug 2014, at 18:17, Aditya Mahajan wrote:
MkIV will not load .mkii files. What is the exact command that you use to run context?
Aha! You found the point! I use Texnicle as editor and the context engine Texnicle provides. It calls texexec... But it’s not enough to put here context. The problem remains, that I get the message, that fancy break is undefined. OK. That’s enough. I stay with the stand alone version. I don’t know why, but it works. (It was just the point that I have two times context on my hard disk. I could delete LaTeX, but I fell the moment apporaching when I turn back to LaTeX. It’s a pity... Context is by far the better system – in all points but one: If one don’t know how to use it, one will never know...) Anyway: Thanks for the help. W.