Am 09.04.2009 um 22:14 schrieb Design Department:
Just tried the following snippet on the live.contextgarden.net with no joy: The layer content appears on a single line, whether I use \par, \\, \endgraf, \crlf or no line ending at all.
To help you I will explain why your setup did not work. TeX use boxes to place text, two different types are available and they are horizontal (\hbox) and vertical (\vbox) boxes. Text in a horizontal box is placed in a single line and \par \vskip ... is ignored, if your text is too long it runs over the right margin, only text in a vertical box is placed in multiple lines. The pure \setlayer command use a horizontal box for the content and did therefore not work for you, \setlayerframed is (simplified) a combination of \setlayer and \frame, the definition looks like \setlayer[name][setup]{\framed{text}}. The \framed command itself can act as horizontal or vertical box dependent on the setup, by default it acts like a horizontal box, to let it act as vertical box two setup need to be done (1) the alignment (format) of the text needs to be set with 'align=left|normal|...' and (2) it needs either a width or a height with is done with 'width=...' or 'height=...' or 'lines=...'. Your layer command should now look like: \setlayerframed [TicketSummary] [hoffset=.5\backspace, voffset=2.5in, width=3cm, align=right] {\bold{Client Name:}\\ Acme Corporation\\ \bold{Location of Work:} Main warehouse} Wolfgang