Hi, I can change the mark of the second footnote from "2" to asterix by defining a conversion like so: %-- Working example, but it is not what I need -- \setupindenting[yes,small] \defineconversion[mymix][1,\m{*},2] \setupnotation[footnote][align={hz,hanging},indenting={yes,small,next},numberconversion=mymix] \startdocument This is the first sentence with a footnote.\footnote{This is the first footnote and its mark is "1".} This is the second sentence with a footnote.\footnote{This is the second footnote and its mark is "*". } This is the third sentence with a footnote.\footnote{This is the third footnote and its mark is "2". } \stopdocument Clearly this conversion repeats the marks "1", "*" and "2" repeatedly. Is there a way to define a new/special footnote command (say, "\symfootnote") which blends with normal footnotes, but prints footnotes with symbol marks (say, Set 2) and not with numbers. In other words, is it possible to achieve the same result as the working example above with something like the (pseudo) example below? %-- Pseudo example -- \setupindenting[yes,small] \def\symfootenote ?????????? \setupnotation[symfootnote][align={hz,hanging},indenting={yes,small,next}] \setupnotation[footnote][align={hz,hanging},indenting={yes,small,next}] \startdocument This is the first sentence with a footnote.\footnote{This is the first footnote and its mark is "1".} This is the second sentence with a footnote.\symfootnote{This is the second footnote and its mark is "*". } This is the third sentence with a footnote.\footnote{This is the third footnote and its mark is "2". } \stopdocument Thank you.