Dear list, I have installed LMTX into /opt/context-lmtx/ and placed my favourite fonts into /opt/context-lmtx/tex/texmf-local/ as I also did in ConTeXt standalone. I would expect LMTX to find the newly installed otf files after regenerating the file tree but that is not the case, see my terminal log below. Do I have to do it differently for LMTX? Cheers, Henri --- $ ls /opt/context-lmtx/tex/texmf-local/fonts/opentype/bh/lucidaot/LucidaBrightOT.otf /opt/context-lmtx/tex/texmf-local/fonts/opentype/bh/lucidaot/LucidaBrightOT.otf $ mtxrun --generate resolvers | resolving | variable 'SELFAUTOLOC' set to '/opt/context-lmtx/bin' resolvers | resolving | variable 'SELFAUTODIR' set to '/opt/context-lmtx' resolvers | resolving | variable 'SELFAUTOPARENT' set to '/opt' resolvers | resolving | variable 'TEXMFCNF' set to '' resolvers | resolving | variable 'TEXMF' set to '' resolvers | resolving | variable 'TEXOS' set to 'context-lmtx' resolvers | resolving | resolvers | resolving | using configuration specification 'home:texmf/web2c;selfautoparent:/texmf-local/web2c;selfautoparent:/texmf-context/web2c;selfautoparent:/texmf-dist/web2c;selfautoparent:/texmf/web2c' resolvers | resolving | resolvers | resolving | looking for regular 'texmfcnf.lua' on given path '/home/henri/texmf/web2c' from specification 'home:texmf/web2c' resolvers | resolving | looking for regular 'texmfcnf.lua' on given path '/opt/texmf-local/web2c' from specification 'selfautoparent:/texmf-local/web2c' resolvers | resolving | looking for regular 'texmfcnf.lua' on given path '/opt/texmf-context/web2c' from specification 'selfautoparent:/texmf-context/web2c' resolvers | resolving | looking for regular 'texmfcnf.lua' on given path '/opt/texmf-dist/web2c' from specification 'selfautoparent:/texmf-dist/web2c' resolvers | resolving | looking for regular 'texmfcnf.lua' on given path '/opt/texmf/web2c' from specification 'selfautoparent:/texmf/web2c' resolvers | resolving | looking for fallback 'contextcnf.lua' on given path '/home/henri/texmf/web2c' from specification 'home:texmf/web2c' resolvers | resolving | looking for fallback 'contextcnf.lua' on given path '/opt/texmf-local/web2c' from specification 'selfautoparent:/texmf-local/web2c' resolvers | resolving | looking for fallback 'contextcnf.lua' on given path '/opt/texmf-context/web2c' from specification 'selfautoparent:/texmf-context/web2c' resolvers | resolving | looking for fallback 'contextcnf.lua' on given path '/opt/texmf-dist/web2c' from specification 'selfautoparent:/texmf-dist/web2c' resolvers | resolving | looking for fallback 'contextcnf.lua' on given path '/opt/texmf/web2c' from specification 'selfautoparent:/texmf/web2c' resolvers | resolving | resolvers | resolving | warning: no lua configuration files found resolvers | resolving | no texmf paths are defined (using TEXMF) resolvers | resolving | mtxrun | mtxrun | elapsed lua time: 0.011 seconds $ mtxrun --find-file LucidaBrightOT.otf