Michal Kvasnička wrote:
Good afternoon.
Many thanks, this solves the problem -- at least partially. The frames are `walking' now, but new problems appeared. I found that when I set `clickin=...', it is set it automatically to `clickout' as well, so one mouse click runs the JavaScript code twice. So I've set it this way:
\definefieldstack[fgolds2] [sgolds1,sgolds2a,sgolds2b,sgolds2c,sgolds2d,sgolds2] [frame=off,option=,clickout=JS(Walk_Field{fgolds3}),clickin=]
It's better, but I found that now frames are walking in a strange order. It is rather puzzling, since when it is invoked by \goto{...}[JS(...)], it works well. Moreover, it does different things at AdobeReader 7.x under Linux, and Acrobat 4.x under Windoze.
Can you help me to solve it?
Mhh, looks like you are going new ways with making the fieldstack interactive (maybe not intended?). Sorry, but I can't help you any further in this direction. Another possibility that I can think of is to add an invisible button field (same dimensions) behind a normal fieldstack, that calls JS(Walk_Field...). Should cause no conflicts with the readonly (non interactive) fieldstack [but this is untested!]. You can simply check this with a button beside the fieldstack and if this works ok, you can use \nointerlineskip \smashedvbox{YOUR WALKBUTTON FIELD}% \placefigure[here]{none}{\fieldstack[fgolds3]} to place it under your fieldstack. HTH, Peter
Many thanks once more. M.K.