Dear list, I have been cleaning up the following proof-of-concept edition set with ConTeXt ver: 2017.05.15 21:48 MKIV beta: http://indica-et-buddhica.org/siksasamuccaya-progresse-bodhisattva-concept.p... On the whole I'm very pleased but I'm noticing something odd with the APA typesetting. This can be seen on concept:226 & 229. Here is my set up followed by the BibTeX refs.: % Bibliographic referencing \usebtxdataset[thesis-clean-k-final.bib] \setupbtx[default:cite][alternative=num] \setupbtx[apa:cite][alternative=authoryear,compress=yes] \usebtxdefinitions[apa] \definebtxrendering[apa][specification=apa,sorttype=authoryear,numbering=no] \setupbtxlist[apa][alternative=paragraph,width=325pt,maxwidth=325pt,distance=.5em,margin=3em,align={hz,hanging}] 1.) For Hans-Georg and Jens-Uwe I'm getting H. -G. & J. -U. not H.-G. & J.-U.: @Book{gadamer:truth, author = "Hans-Georg Gadamer", title = "Truth and Method", publisher = "Seabury Press", shorttitle = "Truth", year = 1975, address = "New York", key = "gadamer:75", } @InCollection{klaus:einige, author = "K. Klaus", title = "Einige {t}extkritische {u}nd {e}xegetische {B}emerkungen {z}u {Ś}ānti\-devas “{Ś}ikṣāsamuccaya” (Kapitel {XII} {u}nd {XIII})", booktitle = "Bauddhaviyāsudhākaraḥ\,: Studies in Honour of Heinz Bec\-hert on the Occasion of His 65th Birthday", shorttitle = "\,‘{Ś}ikṣāsamuccaya’\,", key = "klaus:97a", pages = "397--406", publisher = "Indica et Tibetica", year = 1997, editor = "P. Kieffer-Pülz and Jens-Uwe Hartmann", volume = 30, address = "Swisttal-Odendorf", } 2.) And for the initial letter of the title, SGam.po.pa not sGgam.po.pa: @Book{guenther:sgam, title = "{s}{G}am.{p}o.{p}a, The Jewel Ornament of Liberation\,: {D}am.\-{c}hos {y}id.{b}žin.{g}yi {n}or.{b}u {t}har.{p}a {r}in.{p}o {c}he'i {r}gyan {ž}es.{b}ya.{b}a {t}heg.{p}a {c}hen.\-{p}o'{i} {l}am.{r}im.{g}yi {b}śad.{p}a", publisher = "Rider \& Co.", shorttitle = "{s}{G}am.{p}o.{p}a", year = 1970, key = "guenther:70a", address = "London", author = "H. V. Guenther", } I've also tried surrounding the hyphenated names, and their initials, with curly brackets, though without success. Does anyone know how I might be able to correct this? Best, Richard -- Richard Mahoney | INDICA ET BUDDHICA Littledene Bay Road Oxford New Zealand T: +64-3-312-1699 | www.indica-et-buddhica.org