Dear all, I just downloaded the last ConTeXt beta (ConTeXt ver: 2019.09.09 13:44 MKIV beta) and encountered a problem with pgf/tikz. Here a minimum failing example : ================= \usemodule[tikz] \starttext \starttikzpicture[remember picture] \stoptikzpicture \stoptext ================= which produces the following error (excerpt from the log file, see complete log attached) ================= tex error > tex error on line 4 in file /Users/jprey/Projets/ConTeXt/bug-savepos.tex: ! Undefined control sequence \pgfsys@markposition #1->\pdfsavepos \edef \pgf@temp {#1}\expandafter \pgfut... \endpgfpicture ...ys@markposition {\pgfpictureid } }\fi \ifdim \pgf@picmaxx =... \stoptikzpicture ...st@from@global \endpgfpicture \endgroup l.4 \stoptikzpicture ================= My previous ConTeXt version from September 2018 works fine with the same example. I searched the mailing list archives and found a thread from January 2016 pertaining to the same problem. The workaround given by Hans works for me : \let \pdfsavepos \savepos \let \pdflastxpos \lastxpos \let \pdflastypos \lastypos I checked the pgf versions in my ConTeXt installations from 20180913 and 20190909, they are the same : 3.0.1. So I suppose that the change comes from ConTeXt itself, that’s why I report the problem here. Regards, -- Jean-Philippe Rey jean-philippe.rey@centralesupelec.fr 91192 Gif-sur-Yvette Cedex - France Empreinte PGP : 807A 5B2C 69E4 D4B5 783A 428A 1B5E E83E 261B BF51