In a program I'm writing I have a function for escaping characters which are reserved or problematic in LaTeX. I would like to have a corresponding function for ConTeXt, so I'm wondering which ones are different/superfluous/missing from a ConTeXt perspective in the following list (sorry about the formatting!):

    '{': "\\{"
    '}': "\\}"
    '_': "\\_"
    '%': "\\%"
    '#': "\\#"
    '$': "\\$"
    '&': "\\&"
    '`': "\\textasciigrave{}"
    '^': "\\textasciicircum{}"
    '~': "\\textasciitilde{}"
    '\\': "\\textbackslash{}"
    '|': "\\textbar{}"
    '<': "\\textless{}"
    '>': "\\textgreater{}"
    '[': '{[}'
    ']': '{]}'

Note that I'm not looking for accented letters, Unicode quotes and dashes etc. I'm assuming that people in the year 2021 are using an UTF-8-aware engine (and my corresponding HTML escape function similarly caters only to & < > " ').

