Am 2007-07-03 um 17:59 schrieb Wolfgang Werners-Lucchini:
I tryed the first wiki-example: -------------------------------- There are some notes \lilypond{ \relative{bes a c b} } embedded in this line. --------------------------------
With version 2.11.27 the lilypond option -b eps is unknown. With version 2.10.25 the above example is a 3-page output: (1) There are some notes (2) lilypond-output (3) embedded in this line
Should I downgrad with lilypond? Or what else I am doing wrong?
Sorry, the publicly available LilyPond module is outdated. Try the attached one. I delayed the publishing of my latest version because Ruby texexec had a bug that prevented lilypond from being called, I guess that's gone, but I had no time to check yet. And I didn't adapt the module to LilyPond 2.11, too. (2.10.2x should work.) I don't know if inline LilyPond worked at any time, though; I never needed it. Greetlings from Lake Constance! Hraban --- (I'm an assurer)