On Fri, Apr 18, 2008 at 8:51 AM, Peter Münster
On Fri, Apr 18 2008, Wolfgang Schuster wrote:
Then, for some reason that I forgot, I switched to scrlttr2.cls. And I patched it to get the same minimum-50%-feature. Unfortunately, this patch is no more working with recent versions of scrlttr2... (-> http://pmrb.free.fr/work/OS/LaTeX/lettre.lco )
I would welcome such a feature in your module!
I dont't have such a feature in the module I find it interesting.
Page breaks before the signature can still happen at the moment because I hadn't done anything against this problem but it is on my Todo list.
I don't know, if lettre.lco is readable for you, so here the idea in clear-text:
I will try it later today on my system, can you send me a example letter before I had to take a look into scrguide.pdf.
- some vertical spaces (for example around the opening, between paragraphs, around the subject line, etc) can be decreased or increased by a global stretch-value (called "tension" in my file) - at the first texexec run, this value has to be reset to 0 - if the last page gets filled to <50%, then trigger a next texexec-run, with a decremented stretch-value for a filling <25% and an incremented value for a filling >25%, until the last page is filled to >50%.
Sounds interesting.
I think, there is already a command like \savetwopassdata or similar, so it should be easy with ConTeXt. If you want, I can try to integrate this feature after your public release.
Hans posted at the end of 2007 (or begin 2008) a example to optimize the output and will try to integrate it. The feature can be enable with \setupletterstyle[optimize=yes] or a similar key name. Wolfgang