Dear gang, Ok; this is a post-context problem but I desperately need your help. I created a book cover using ConTeXt/Gamma/eomega in three parts; front, back, and spine. ps2pdf got the colors wrong so I had to use distiller to convert each part to pdf. Per my instructions, in Acrobat, a colleague overlaid the three components and created a final single cover pdf. She sent it to the printer and everything came out fine except the fonts "came out all pixilated and blurry". The fonts are all Type1 and dvips is definitely getting the Type1's I think The printer suggested that Distiller was screen-optimized, not print-optimized. I'll check that when I get home but before I get there I need your advice and wisdom: What things in ConTeXt/dvips/distiller should I optimize to make sure the printer is able to print this thing properly? Are there any questions I can ask the printer? As I get more info I'll try to make things more precise. Aside: Maybe there is way to make a single cover in ConTeXt instead of combining three pdfs in Acrobat (which is a pain). I'd be happy to learn:-) Best wishes Idris