On Thu, Nov 12, 2009 at 12:41, Hans Hagen wrote:
we first should locate the (non vf) files that really matter, i.e. we can forget about text fonts
In this particular file it says: (MAPFONT D 0 (FONTNAME rtxmi) (MAPFONT D 1 (FONTNAME rtxptmri) -> we map that one to TeXGyreTermes-Italic in mkii One of them is italic text, one of them is a subset of math characters, but I need to do a simple text transform to list which character comes from which font. But the weird thing is that tex-mi doesn't seem to come from mi font, but from italic part of the main font (at least all the entries in math-vfu in tex-mi mapping are commented out and there is fonts.vf.math.set_letters(fonts.enc.math, "tex-mi", 0x1D434, 0x1D44E)). So I'm really a bit puzzled. Is some "italic mapping" missing in termes setup? Mojca