Hello, I am using debian testing and I am trying to use Martin Vogels Symbols with no success so far. I have compiled a file containing the following : \usesymbols[mvs] \setupsymbolset [martinvogel 2] \starttext Telephone : \symbol[Telephone] \stoptext But it failed to show the telephone symbole in the pdf, unless compiled with texexec instead of context. I have the following lines in the log file (in attachement) : fonts > defining > forced type 'ttf' of 'marvosym' not found fonts > defining > font with asked name 'marvosym' is not found using lookup 'file' fonts > defining > unknown font 'marvosym', loading aborted fonts > defining > unable to define 'marvosym.ttf' as 'currentsymbolfont--0' marvosym.ttf is located here : /usr/share/fonts/truetype/ttf-marvosym/marvosym.ttf. Then I tried to reload manually the fonts like this : $ export OSFONTDIR="/usr/share/fonts" $ mtxrun --script fonts --reload $ context --generate Normally marvosym.ttf should be found but it isn't the case as showed by the following command : $ mtxrun --script fonts --list --all --pattern=marvosym* marvosym marvosym marvosym.afm marvosymwithtexsupport marvosym marvosym.afm marvosymwithtexsupportnormal marvosym marvosym.afm Thanks for any help, Jonas