Am Sat, 28 Apr 2018 17:42:17 +0200 schrieb Hans Hagen:
On 4/28/2018 3:11 PM, Ulrike Fischer wrote:
I have no idea how to transpose the following latex example to context. Also in my opinion the input is wrong, it should be written as \mathtestbase{fb}^{-1} (and this works fine).
so what is \mathtestbase doing?
It is a math alphabet. The original error was from a hidden \mathrm.
(i don't see a fb lig in that font (unless i have the wrong font of course))
Ups. I get the error but only with a version which resided in my windows fonts folder. When I force lualatex to use the version in the texmf it disappear. For the faulty font I see in the lua-file: [983055]={ ["boundingbox"]={ 18, -10, 830, 713 }, ["index"]=662, ["name"]="f_b", ["unicode"]={ 102, 98 }, ["width"]=865, }, The font used on my system is c:/Wi ndows/Fonts/STIX2Text-Regular.otf The original bug report (https://github.com/khaledhosny/libertinus/issues/166) mentions also Amiri and Libertinus Serif. With \setmathfontface\mathtestbase{Libertinus Serif}[Renderer=Basic] i get the same error and it too has a f_b ligature: [983076]={ ["boundingbox"]={ 22, -12, 741, 700 }, ["class"]="ligature", ["index"]=2438, ["name"]="f_b", ["unicode"]={ 102, 98 }, ["width"]=778, }, -- Ulrike Fischer http://www.troubleshooting-tex.de/