Dnia 2012-07-10, o godz. 09:57:08
Hans Hagen
On 10-7-2012 08:27, Thomas A. Schmitz wrote:
sorry for bringing the bad news all the time... There are two more bugs in the latest beta which I just stumbled upon: userpage=bysection does not work, pdf bookmarks are not produced. Example:
in the process of cleaning up section code i forgot to pass some info around so effectively we had no structure (and that it turn influences all those mechanisms)
concerning 'bad news' ... it doesn't surprise me too much as much code is touched ... the good news is that only a few modules are left (some cleanup is needed in notes and the multi column mechanisms have to be done)
Wow, does it mean that \startitemize[columns] ... \stopitemize will also be redone? That would be fantastic, it's a feature I love but can't get it to work (as I've written recently)!
Best, -- Marcin Borkowski http://mbork.pl