Hopefully my last questions about context and pdf and urls.... a) I get url targets with buildextacc.... if I use urls with german umlauts and \useencoding[win].... Any idea how to get german umlauts if the file is iso8859-15 and still get usefull links? b) when following links in the pdf I would like to open the documents in another window. My users view the pdf through a browser, and the pdf has links to many file types which I want to open in new browser windows, so the context of the main pdf file is not lost. Any way to do this?? Thanks a lot! Mathias -- virtual earth Mathias Picker Geschäftsführer Gesellschaft für Wissens re/prä sentation mbH Mathias.Picker@virtual-earth.de Fon +49 89 / 540 7425-1 Fax +49 89 / 540 7425-9