7 Aug
7 Aug
6:36 p.m.
Taco Hoekwater wrote:
This should do it:
\def\popTBL {\ifnum\TBLlevel>\plusone \globalpopmacro\rowTBL \globalpopmacro\colTBL \else \global\intablefalse \fi \resetcharacteralign % Do this here !! \doglobal\decrement\TBLlevel\relax}
Yes, it works! :-) But what do you think about a simpler solution: - In \def\popTBL, don't add line \resetcharacteralign - In \def\dobTABLE, move \resetcharacteralign just before \bgroup On my computer, it fixes the bug without adding something to \def\popTBL. Is it correct? Thanks, Nicolas