Hello list,
I tried this:
picture p ; p := lmt_svg [ filename = "sample.svg" ] ;
draw p ;
color black_rgb ; black_rgb := ( 0, 0, 0 ) ;
color red_rgb ; red_rgb := ( 1, 0, 0 ) ;
remapcolor( black_rgb, red_rgb ) ;
recolor p ;
draw p shifted ( bbwidth(p) + 5mm, 0) ;
but recolor gives an error:
metapost log > >> picture
metapost log > ! Wrong picture color model: redpart of grey object.
metapost log > _f_:=(redpart(EXPR0),
metapost log >
metapost log >
metapost log > repathed->...fi;fi;else:addto._p_.also.i;fi;endfor
metapost log >
metapost log > <to be read again>
metapost log > ;
metapost log > <*> ...apcolor( black_rgb, red_rgb ) ; recolor p ;
metapost log >
draw grayed p shifted ( b...
metapost log >
My goal is to remap colors of an SVG image, like this:
picture p ; p := lmt_svg [ filename = "sample.svg" ] ;
draw p ;
color black_rgb ; black_rgb := ( 0, 0, 0 ) ;
cmykcolor black_cmyk ; black_cmyk := ( 0, 0, 0, 1 ) ;
remapcolor( black_rgb, black_cmyk ) ;
recolor p ;
draw p shifted ( bbwidth(p) + 5mm, 0) ;
It relates to a recent thread in the mailing list about color management.
It's an attempt to use inkscape-made SVG graphics inside a CMYK
workflow, without using color management.
Naturally it would work under some constraints, but there's a lot of
graphics you can do with Inkscape that falls inside these:
- the number of colors in the input SVG should be limited, so that every
color gets converted
- no embedded bitmaps, only vector graphics
- perhaps some other constraints on gradients, transparency, etc.
A good alternative would be a remapper based on a custom lua function
like this:
function rgb2cmyk( r, g, b )
return c, m, y, k