Hi Hraban, I can't answer your question counter or \define. However in my specific situation I would not use the number as a counter but just as a value. Actually my situation is an exam in which the total points are 44. From these I want to calculate percentages. And, as I find it easier to write calculations (electro physics and maths) in Lua, I then want to pass the results out to Context. Greetings, Martin
\define\question{44} \defineexpandable\question{44}
Would it make sense to use a counter or some other TeX construct?
Is it better to use \setvariable(s) for simple values than any \def?
Should I use a \newdimen for every custom measure that I want to use with \dimexpr, e.g.
\def\MyWidth{10mm} or better \newdimen\MyWidth \MyWidth=10mm ?